Top 5 GTA RP streamers in 2022

August 2024 · 5 minute read

GTA Online Roleplay (GTA RP) is a method of playing Grand Theft Auto wherein players create their own narrative and experience. This method of gameplay is favored by many over the main storyline and side missions.

Millions of fans worldwide follow GTA RP streamers, some of whom are best known for their varying content in the game and explosive antics.

Note: This article is entirely based upon the opinions of the writer.

Five great GTA RP streamers who have impacted fans in 2022

5) Penta

Penta is a professional online gamer who has been streaming on Twitch since March 2015. His streams last up to nine hours.

The streamer's channel stands at number 17 in the list of most-watched Grand Theft Auto 5 channels on Twitch. He roleplays as Randy Wrangler, a police officer, on the NoPixel server. He is the best known cop character on the server and his methods of investigation are very questionable yet intriguing.

Penta has over 315k followers on Twitch and is one of the most-watched GTA RP streamers of 2022.

4) Zerkaa

Zerkaa is an English YouTuber, streamer, and internet personality. He is the co-founder and member of the British YouTube group, the Sidemen. Tommy Tate is the character played by Zerkaa.

Tommy Tate, also known as Tommy T, is a British man who fled to Los Santos to start fresh after living a life of crime in South-East London, UK.

His main YouTube channel has over 4.58 million subscribers, and he is one of the most prominent GTA RP streamers of 2022.

3) Sykkuno

Sykkuno is an American Twitch streamer and YouTuber. As of January 2022, he is at number 41 on the most-followed channel list and is one of the top 100 most-subscribed channels on Twitch.

Sykkuno began creating videos on League of Legends back in 2011 on YouTube. He started his YouTube career by posting commentary videos and gameplay on an older channel named "Sykku," before creating a new one later in 2012. This one was named "Sykkuno."

He roleplays as Yuno Sykk, a famous criminal and bank hacker in Los Santos. He arrived in the city with a few goals in mind and has grown to be one of the most popular individuals in the city among criminals and other important people.

2) Buddha

Buddha, a Twitch streamer, is currently the most viewed and subbed roleplay streamer on Twitch. Buddha initially started on NoPixel in 2016, back on the Silver Lake ARMA server, interacting with its original members, such as Lirik, DasMehdi, SayeedBlack, Timmac and Bananabrea.

His character, Lang Buddha, is a crime boss in the city. Lang Buddha is a Chinese man with a short temper. He is quick-witted and often uses humor to gain the upper hand in a conversation.

With over 751k followers on Twitch, he is one of the biggest GTA RP streamers of 2022.

1) xQc

Félix Lengyel, better known as xQc, is a Canadian Twitch streamer, internet personality, and former professional Overwatch player. He does not have any fixed characters and plays with multiple protagonists.

He is the fifth-most followed Twitch streamer, based on recent rankings. xQc has often stirred up controversy while roleplaying on NoPixel, which has resulted in him getting banned multiple times. However, he is still one of the biggest GTA roleplaying streamers of 2022.

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